Tag: comic
Script for Issue 1 of The Legacy comic book
Disclaimer: This is unedited and may contain language that is not suitable for a young audience. Reader discretion advised.
Page 1 Page 1
Panel 1 Alister from a rooftop looks towards the church on
the hill. Darkness consumes the sky but there is a small
light piercing the sky above the church. Behind Alister
sits his hovercycle. His sword is in its sheath on his
I can’t believe it’s been 10 years
since all this began, and I still
try to do good, but all I want to
do is rest. Rest it seems to be all
I think of when I should be
thinking of this city; think of my
city. I’m the one, the person that
was chosen. I was the one born to
this family. I must keep my head up
high when it seems this war will
never end. I know, however, that it
will end. I don’t know how I don’t
know when, but what I do know is
that it will end when you are
ready. This building so many times
I stood right here this spot, and
gazed out into the city, to hear
the cries of the people below. Oh
God God these dark skies I’m sick
of them. I want to see the sun
again. I want to see more than the
sliver of light that you shine on
the church. Oh, that church that
changed my life. God why did you
put it on that hill? Did you have
people build it so that you didn’t
have to move the hill? Like the
Bible said that you can move
mountains. Why am I still doing
this? Why am I again alone I
thought you would never leave or
forsake me?
Page 2 Page 2: 2975A.D. Alister flashes back to when he
finds out about his parents and sisters death.
Panel 1 Taking up the top 3rd of the page: You see a
church on the front of it, it says “Harvest Church;”
behind the church in the distance you see the church on
the hill.
I remember how I spiraled out of
control at least my life did. Okay,
I did too. It was at the church my
family had gone to for years. I had
gone when I was young, but when I
became a teenager they let me
decide what I wanted to do. So I
stopped going.
Panel 2 Taking up the middle of the page: Inside the
church, people standing, some with their hands up in the
air, as they are singing.
I thought it was strange to see
people raise their hands and jump
up and down praising a being that
one couldn’t see.
Panel 3 Taking up the bottom 3rd of the page: Inside the
church, people sitting as the preacher is standing at his
pulpit preaching.
As I recall the last service, for
what I was told later. Was talking
Today we are going to talk about
the love of God, and his
Page 3 Page 3: 2975A. D. Alister’s flash back of his parents
and sisters death. Part 2.
Panel 1 People are leaving the church but a few are still
standing around talking. The pastor comes up to a couple
and their daughter.
Where’s your son Alister.
He didn’t want to come; he says
there is no God.
Oh, he is in the stage of his life
like others have been. The stage
that things that we can’t see must
be none existent or not real.
Panel 2 Taking most of the page the church explodes.
Panel 3 Alister stands at the funeral, a tear rolling down
his cheek.
I can still remember what I thought
at the funeral.
Mom gave me a choice to go with
them, but I didn’t. Because I
didn’t, I mean I don’t believe in
God. This would have never happened
if there was a God.
Oh my thoughts went crazy that day,
but that was the day my path would
split and I would go down the road
that had no path. I was making my
own way. Or this is what I thought.
Page 4 Page 4
Panel 1 Alister hears screams. Alister shakes his head as
if he was trying to wake himself up from sleeping
What in the hell…
Panel 2 He jumps on his hovercycle.
That was a tortuous scream.
Panel 3 Panel 3: He goes down the road, Screams erupt
again, he travels to where the screams have come from.
Who ever this person is they sound
like hell has come to take there
This of course is all to common
today, but there still was
something in the scream.
Panel 4 Panel 4: He sees that there is a girl running as
fast as she can.
Panel 5 Panel 5: Behind her is a man chasing her. Alister
with his spiritual sight can see that the man is possessed
by a demon. (Need to somehow show that he is a man and
that he has maybe a silhouette of a demon.
Come here limitless bitch.
Page 5 Page 5
Panel 1 Panel 1: Alister up close.
(says to himself)
This is sure getting old. These
demons will never learn.
Panel 2 Panel 2: Alister drives ahead of the girl and man
and stops his hovercycle in front of the girl.
(saying to himself)
I can’t let this girl be captured,
I just can’t.
Panel 3 Panel 3: He grabs the girls arm and pulls the girl
behind him.
Get behind me, now, I’ll protect
Panel 4 Panel 4: Alister gets off his hovercycle.
Panel 5 Panel 4: The man close up of the man who is
chaising the girl.
Oh it’s you, the White Warrior,
haha the Holy Warrior.
Panel 6 Panel 5: With a stern look on his face.
Yes it is I.
Page 6 Page 6
Panel 1 Panel 1: The man tears off his skin to reveal the
big demon.
(to himself)
What in the world is this demon
Panel 2 Panel 2: As his hand is on his sword.
(thinks to himself)
This is new.
Panel 3 Panel 3: Alister then takes his sword out of its
sheath. A look at Alister pointing at the man while the
girl is behind him.
You know I can destroy you with one
blow of my sword.
Page 7 Page 7
Panel 1 Panel 1: Close up of the demon.
You think so eh.
Panel 2 Panel 2: Another view of Alister and the girl.
Yes. I know so I have the power of
Christ on my side.
Panel 3 Panel 3: Close up of the demon.
I want to see you try, little man.
I think you’re weaker then you
Panel 4 Panel 4: He points to a building that has graffiti
on it. (Somewhere write small but enough that you can
still see it: CTFxC)
Go, inside that building. I’ll take
care of this demon swine.
Page 8 Page 8
Panel 1 SPLASH Page: Alister runs at the demon as the
demon runs toward him. The demon throws a punch.
I will destroy you with the power
of the Lord.
No. You don’t have the power that
you think you do, you are weaker
than I.
Page 9 Page 9
Panel 1 Panel 1: Alister dodges, and slashes his sword at
the demon.
With the Power of Christ I will
defeat you
Panel 2 Panel 2: He then hits the demon but nothing
What that should have destroyed
Panel 3 Panel 3: The demon says with a snarl. (Close up)
I guess your faith has started to
dwindle and I am stronger then your
so called sword from God.
Panel 4 Panel 4: The demon runs inside the building.
Alister chases after the demon.
(Talking to himself)
What the hell is going on? Why is
this demon wining?
Panel 5 Panel 5: Alister looks around the inside of the
building, it looks familiar to him.
I know this building, it can’t be.
Page 10 Page 10: Alister flashes back to when he owned the
building and he met Satan’s Minions.
Panel 1 Panel 1: Alister is on the second floor leaning
against a lattice. There comes a voice behind him.
Dude, what are you doing just
looking at everyone?
Shut up Steve. I’m just making sure
everyone is having a good time.
Panel 2 Panel 2: Alister turns to face to Steve.
You know I strive to make my
patrons happy. So, Just let me be
Panel 3 Panel 3: He starts to walk toward a table that had
two mugs of beer on it.
Come, sit and drink your beer.
I’m coming you piece of….
Panel 4 Panel 4: Alister now sitting at the table.
Alister you kiss my ass.
Kiss your what Steve?
Panel 5 Panel 5: Alister with his fist in front of Steve’s
Do you want to kiss this.
Um. no.
Page 11 Page 11
Panel 1 Panel 1: With a frightened stare. Alister beer in
I’m fine.
That’s what I thought.
Panel 2 Panel 2: Outside of the building rain poured down,
and in the shadows a group of people walk toward the door
of the building.
Panel 3 Panel 3: The door opens up. You see a group of
people with guns.
Panel 4 Panel 4: Alister looks down from the balcony
lattice to see why the music has stopped and people who
were having a good time were silent.
Page 12 Page 12
Panel 1 Panel 1: One of the people in the group points
there gun to the ceiling and fires.
Panel 2 Panel 2: People look towards the group and the
band that was playing and others start to run out the
front and back doors.
Panel 3 Panel 3: Alister pulls his gun.
What the hell are you doing here.
What the fuck do you want.
Panel 4 Panel 4: The group points there gun toward the
people in the club.
We are Satan’s Minions and we are
here to take over. But we don’t
want just this building we have
come to take over the city and make
it, SatansVille. Hahahaha.
Page 13 Page 13
Panel 1 Panel 1: Alister’s posse takes out there weapons
and points them toward Satan’s Minions.
Panel 2 Panel 2: Alister close up.
Like hell, you’re taking over.
Panel 3 Panel 3: Gun fire erupts from both sides.
Panel 4 Panel 4: Blood is flying everywhere and people are
going down.
Page 14 Page 14
Panel 1 Panel 1: Both sides are still shooting, and people
are running. We see more getting hit by bullets, blood
splashing everywhere.
Panel 2 Panel 2: You see Alister behind a table.
Shit, Shit, Shit. What’s going on?
What did I do to deserve this? Ugh,
what am I fucking supposed to do?
To bad there isn’t a God, he might
be able to save us, me.
Page 15 Page 15
Panel 1 Panel 1: Alister is shooting as he goes down the
Panel 2 Panel 2: Alister jumps behind the bar.
Panel 3 Panel 3: As he hides behind the bar he now notices
he is bleeding from his arm.
Damn it.
Panel 4 Panel 4: Alister peaks his head over the bar.
(To himself)
I need to get out of here.
Panel 5 Panel 5: Alister jumps the bar and heads towards
the back door.
Come on legs, move.
Page 16 Page 16
Panel 1 Panel 1: We see Alister just outside the door
behind him. The rain still coming down lightning flashes.
Panel 2 Panel 2: Alister is running and being chased by
some of Satan’s Minions. They are still shooting. Blam
Panel 3 Panel 3: Alister is shot in the leg, blood goes
Shit…my leg.
Panel 4 Panel 4: Alister starts to run up a hill. Bleeding
abundantly from his arm and leg.
Panel 5 Panel 5: He sees a rock.
I must make it behind.
Page 17 Page 17
Panel 1 Panel 1: Alister holding his arm is able to reach
and get behind the rock.
Panel 2 Panel 2: We see a close up of Alister’s arm bloody
Panel 3 Panel 3: Lightning strikes close to Alister and
the rock.
Panel 4 Panel 4: Alister rips his pants to check out his
Shit, what the hell am I going to
do now?
Panel 5 Panel 5: Alister now trying to tear his trench
coat to cover his wounds.
Page 18 Page 18
Panel 1 Panel 1: Lightning striking even closer this time
to Alister.
Panel 2 Panel 2: Some of Satan’s Minions that had chased
Alister stop shooting.
That rock can’t protect you
forever. You’re bleeding bad,
you’ll want to get that looked at
before you lose to much blood and
What the fuck do you want with me?
Why did you follow me?
Panel 3 Panel 3: Close up of Alister. Finishing tieing his
leg off. Arm is already tied off, both are tied with parts
of his trench coat.
I’m not leaving this spot, so you
guys miles well sit.
Panel 4 Panel 4: Lightning strikes at the feet of Satan’s
Looks like your lucky day, or maybe
not. This lightning saved you from
us, but if you stay there who knows
if it will finally strike you. That
would help us.
Page 19 Page 19
Panel 1 Panel 1: Moments later lightning strikes the rock.
Shit that was to close.
Panel 2 Panel 2: Alister now looks over the left of the
rock to see if those who had chased him that were part of
Satan’s Minions had actually left.
Be gone, be gone, be gone.
Panel 3 Panel 3: Satan’s Minions no longer on the other
side of the rock. Alister gets up.
Panel 4 Panel 4: Alister sees a dagger on the rock where
the lightning struck.
Now what’s this? I didn’t see this
before. It would have been nice to
have this when I was trying to rip
at my trench coat.
Panel 5 Panel 5: Close up of the dagger. (Need to talk
about the design.)
Page 20 Page 20
Panel 1 Panel 1: Alister reaches for the dagger.
But what in the hell, how did this
get here in the first place?
Panel 2 Panel 2: Alister picks up the dagger, looking at
it intensely.
This looks expensive.
Panel 3 Panel 3: As it lay in the palm of both hands
warmth comes over him.
What’s going on?
Panel 4 Panel 4: Blood stops dripping from his leg and
The pain it, it’s gone.
Panel 5 Panel 5: Alister places the dagger in his right
hand, as he looks at his arm he sees nothing.
Panel 6 Panel 6: Alister bends down, he looks at his leg,
he sees nothing.
What happened to my wounds?
Page 21 Page 21
Panel 1 Panel 1: Alister looks at the dagger again.
What the Fu…
Panel 2 Panel 2: Lightning strikes just right of Alister.
Holy shit that was so much closer.
Panel 3 Panel 3: Alister places the dagger back on the
Panel 4 Panel 4: Alister starts to walk away when he is
struck by lightning.
Page 22 Page 22
Panel 1 Panel 1: Alister wakes up in a white place, he
can’t see anything but himself.
Panel 2 Panel 2: His anger left him, he smiled ear to ear.
Why am I smiling? I just had been
shot and now there is nothing I can
Panel 3 Panel 3: Alister walks and looks around.
Alister come fourth.
Come fourth, I can’t see anything.
How am I supposed to know where to
You have been chosen.
Chosen for what?
Panel 4 Panel 4: Alister sits down on the whiteness.
Your blood is what has chosen you;
you are a descendant of a man who
promised loyalty and obedience.
My blood, descendant, I don’t know
what you mean. Who the hell are
I am the Lord thy God.
Page 23 Page 23 Alister flashes back to the empty building.
Panel 1 Panel 1: Alister attention was now looking at the
balcony where he saw the demon with the girl over his
That seemed so very long ago.
Panel 2 Panel 2: We get a close up of the demons face,
Come get me you little piece of
I am not a little piece of
Panel 3 Panel 3: Alister runs toward the stairs.
Panel 4 Panel 4: He reaches the second level and sees the
demon head for the window.
Where do you think you’re going
Panel 5 Panel 5: The demon turns toward Alister, girl
still over its shoulder.
I’m taking this girl and I’m going
to sacrifice her and let my father
have her soul.
There is only one Father.
Ha I’m not talking about him I’m
talking about my father Satan.
Panel 6 Panel 6: The demon jumps out the window.
Panel 7 Panel 7: Alister looks out the window and sees
I…I didn’t, I couldn’t save her.
Page 24 Page 24
Panel 1 Panel 1: Alister puts his sword back in his sheath
and starts to walk down the stairs.
Why? Why?
Panel 2 Panel 2: As Alister walks out of the building.
What is wrong with me? Why,
couldn’t I save that girl?”
Panel 3 Panel 3: Alister arrives back at his hovercycle.
God what’s going on? I have never
not defeated a fow with this sword.
What in the world is going on?
Panel 4 Panel 4: Alister flies off.
I never seen a demon rip off human
flesh like it was cloths. And then
I wasn’t able to save not only a
soul but the girl. The girl looked
so, I don’t know what’s wrong with
Panel 5 Panel 5: Alister sees the church on the hill the
light that pireced through the darkness seemed to be
getting smaller.
Celtx for the Scriptwriter, Yep That Includes Comic Book Writers
Today I’m going to talk about Celtx. Celtx is a free (if you want to support you can pay) scriptwriting software. This is a free version unlike Final Draft where you do have to pay a lot of money. It does do almost everything as if it were Final Draft. I use Celtx for my comic book scripts not only does it have an option for comic books. They also have an app for Android and iOS for those apple fans. This is great because you can edit and create new scripts everywhere.You can sync your scripts from desktop to tablet. It’s great when you don’t want to lose a thing.
On there website they state:
Take charge of your workflow.
celtx is the world’s first all in one pre-production system. It replaces ‘paper & binder’ with a digital approach that’s more complete, simpler to work with, and easier to share.
It’s great to have something that is easy to learn and great at the low price of free. The app is cheap compared to Final Draft oh, wait, they don’t have an app. Celtx’s app is 5$. It’s cheap I know. My artists Corey Clover likes how he can understand what I’m going for when the script is in a format and not just typed up as a story.
So if you’re looking for a script program that gives you the ease of script writing this is it. It also has formats for again comic book, Film, Audio-Visual, Theatre, Audio Play, Storyboard, Novel.
So, if you like free go download it come on. Celtx Just click Celtx.
What do you want?
I was asked why I was doing a blog if it didn’t deal with what I’m doing and that is writing. Why aren’t you talking or showing off some of what you write? So I decided since I want to be a comic book writer (or at least it’s my main focus right now) that I would put something up for everyone to see and hear me talk about it. That I did in a previous post.
Now it’s up to you!
Do you want to hear about my comic book writing or would you like to see a sample script or just other writing? Let me know in the comments below.
Becomeing a comic book writer
The video that I watched had
some good steps and thoughts that I actually never took into my own thoughts
about. Now when you want to be a comic book writer that I need to do them all
the time, and I need to write and write, and also to read a lot of comics This
I knew. However, I never thought of becoming friends or keeping up with the
editor of the comics. Moreover, to write about a character that is known, but
not necessarily a franchise character for that comic book company.
some good steps and thoughts that I actually never took into my own thoughts
about. Now when you want to be a comic book writer that I need to do them all
the time, and I need to write and write, and also to read a lot of comics This
I knew. However, I never thought of becoming friends or keeping up with the
editor of the comics. Moreover, to write about a character that is known, but
not necessarily a franchise character for that comic book company.
If you can get your writing
out and become a name somewhere else this will help in the comic book writing,
and so I’m going to write and try to get my name out there in any way I can.
out and become a name somewhere else this will help in the comic book writing,
and so I’m going to write and try to get my name out there in any way I can.