Unbroken Broke Me

I went to a movie this weekend with my mom. She hadn’t gone for two years. She and I chose Unbroken. Yes, my wife went and my nephew. The movie was great, but it made me think about my life.

I know I say I’ve been through hell and back but different people have different levels of hell. Mine compared with the lead and life story of the movie, my hell is nothing. He had to deal with more mental and physical challenges than I have ever gone through.

My hell has been more financial and mental than physical and mental.  I’ve struggled with “am I good enough of a writer?” Will my words be read or seen on film? This has plagued me for years and now that I’m financially burdened. Broke beyond broke living off the government and not able to get a job (been without for far too long and no references) I don’t know where I’m going to get motivation. Oh wait, I just saw Unbroken. “If it’s to be it’s up to me!” Not the quote said throughout the movie, but I like this one.

I need to motivate me. If I don’t want to live off the government, or if I want my writing to be seen I need to work hard and persevere. I must work I must do I must read and learn I must write.

As far as the movie as a movie, it was good. It was a bit long but instead of telling the story, they showed it. When trapped on the raft it was a bit gruesome but not so much to divert your eyes. I was interested and entertained.

I would recommend this to anyone who wants motivation to live life to the fullest and to stop bitching about how life these days are too tough to live because we have never gone through what he went through.


I went to a movie this weekend with my mom. She hadn’t gone for two years. She and I chose Unbroken. Yes, my wife went and my nephew. The movie was great, but it made me think about my life.

I know I say I’ve been through hell and back but different people have different levels of hell. Mine compared with the lead and life story of the movie, my hell is nothing. He had to deal with more mental and physical challenges than I have ever gone through.

My hell has been more financial and mental than physical and mental.  I’ve struggled with “am I good enough of a writer?” Will my words be read or seen on film? This has plagued me for years and now that I’m financially burdened. Broke beyond broke living off the government and not able to get a job (been without for far too long and no references) I don’t know where I’m going to get motivation. Oh wait, I just saw Unbroken. “If it’s to be it’s up to me!” Not the quote said throughout the movie, but I like this one.

I need to motivate me. If I don’t want to live off the government, or if I want my writing to be seen I need to work hard and persevere. I must work I must do I must read and learn I must write.

As far as the movie as a movie, it was good. It was a bit long but instead of telling the story, they showed it. When trapped on the raft it was a bit gruesome but not so much to divert your eyes. I was interested and entertained.

I would recommend this to anyone who wants motivation to live life to the fullest and to stop bitching about how life these days are too tough to live because we have never gone through what he went through.


I missed posting this before Christmas so here it is.

When it comes to the holiday season and holiday movies, you think of classics like It’s a Wonderful Life and a newer movie National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. When you think of another classic A Christmas Carol, I like to watch an inspired version called Scrooged.

This movie when initially seen when I was a kid. The dead old boss wasn’t transparent he was solid, and I think it was the first time I saw a zombie-like creature. It scared me. I do hate scary movies these days, but at times I’ll watch them, but in fast forward. If they need to have my thoughts on them, script and all. Mr. Analyzer.

Bill Murray takes the role and makes it feel like groundhogs day. Where it’s funny at times, and he takes the written words and makes us think. There is a great speech at the end of Scrooged that does this. Dialog can carry a movie if it’s done right. This makes me think of how to make my words easy to understand but emotionally charged and sounds intellectual as if I as a writer knew how to write proper English.

The visuals were great for the 80s. They didn’t do a lot of shots that they had to super impose Bill’s character when showing scenes from the past. They also used puppetry when it came to the ghost of Christmas future.

All in all, great memories with a great flick well-written and acted. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys Bill Murray and the Christmas Carol.

Back To The Future

When it came to deciding what movie, I would review or even just talk about. It came to a classic that has great memories for me. It comes into a trilogy of great movies, with great actors and great music. Back to the Future is the sweet musical. When I was younger, my dad went to record the first Back to the Future, but the funny thing is the power went out, and we missed the first ten minutes. The second great memory was when two came out in theaters I went with a good friend and on the way home his dad was pulled over. His speedometer didn’t work so he was caught speeding.

When you come to the realization writing movies is your dream you try to analyze and think why does this movie bring those great memories and why can I see it on repeat? Now if you’ve never seen them, you’re missing out on something magical. Yes, there are some inconsistencies, but what great movie doesn’t.

You’ve probably have read many reviews and seen many clips seen the cartoon series or the recent game. However, these are my thoughts. And my (hoping) writing will have some wisdom that I can give.

When we think about structure, story, dialogue, and overall script to screen. We think of a great script and writer, but when you read the earlier draft, you can see how far it came before it became a classic. Back to the Future was such a good movie that they used what Marty was wearing in another movie called Zapped Again.

The story of a crazy scientist inventing a time machine is great. It builds excitement and makes you stand up in hopes Marty doesn’t get caught and or get stranded in the past. The use of a futuristic car the Delorean. This not only made it visually stunning, but fueled a fire to bring the car back 20 years later. Within dialogue, there are some good speeches, but a few great lines that stay with you. “Great Scott, this is heavy!”

When you read the first drafts from 1981 and later or watch the behind the scenes, and the ending that they planned. You thank the script Gods that it ended the way it did. You also see how much work it takes to make a nearly perfect flick.

This has shown me that even though I’ve worked on my scripts for years that it may take many more before I see my scripts come to screen (unless I make them myself). I hope this has given you a short insight into the struggle that it takes, and how long you may have to wait before your dreams come into the real world.

Out of 5 Stars
Story ****
Dialogue *****
Structure *****
Plot *****
Script to Screen *****
Few Inconsistencies ****
Total 4.7 our out of 5