Unbroken Broke Me
I went to a movie this weekend with my mom. She hadn’t gone for two years. She and I chose Unbroken. Yes, my wife went and my nephew. The movie was great, but it made me think about my life.
I know I say I’ve been through hell and back but different people have different levels of hell. Mine compared with the lead and life story of the movie, my hell is nothing. He had to deal with more mental and physical challenges than I have ever gone through.
My hell has been more financial and mental than physical and mental. I’ve struggled with “am I good enough of a writer?” Will my words be read or seen on film? This has plagued me for years and now that I’m financially burdened. Broke beyond broke living off the government and not able to get a job (been without for far too long and no references) I don’t know where I’m going to get motivation. Oh wait, I just saw Unbroken. “If it’s to be it’s up to me!” Not the quote said throughout the movie, but I like this one.
I need to motivate me. If I don’t want to live off the government, or if I want my writing to be seen I need to work hard and persevere. I must work I must do I must read and learn I must write.
As far as the movie as a movie, it was good. It was a bit long but instead of telling the story, they showed it. When trapped on the raft it was a bit gruesome but not so much to divert your eyes. I was interested and entertained.
I would recommend this to anyone who wants motivation to live life to the fullest and to stop bitching about how life these days are too tough to live because we have never gone through what he went through.