10th Aniversary Issue Cover affinity Final


I decided to watch the 2014 version of Robocop. I hadn’t seen it since it came out. I watched it and saw what people were saying about why they liked it, and why they didn’t.
For me, it was good, but I did miss the internal struggle of Murphy. In the original, the lead struggled with the mem…

Hopeful For Screeners

I’ve been thinking of what to work on next when it came to reviewing and work in general. I’m going to try to review new movies, but I’m going hope at some point I’ll get screeners, I do more current movie reviews. However, until then, I’m going to review all movies that I watch. I hope that you…

Max Steel

When I decided to watch a movie, I wanted one I only heard about and researched. I saw the trailer, and I was excited. Max Steel was the cartoon I got hooked on during a Netflix search and binge. It was good 26 episodes for the first season, and I can’t wait for the second yell. When I watched, I…

Fredi 185 View Camera

When searching for camera’s I was looking for one not for thieves or outside I wanted one that would catch something else. My wife and I had just lost two dogs this year to age and illness, so we had to adopt again. So we got two. So since they are new and don’t know the routines of the house we…

Starting (Now) Soon

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It’s been a year and a half from writing scripts or blog entries. Well, starting next year (really now) I’m going to be writing reviews on product’s movies and TV. I’m also going to be working on The Legacy comic book scri…